I Am an Activist

When first told "You're an activist" I was very hesitant to take on this "title" but in examining the work I believe in and my role to it (be it large or small) realized that it's not unfair to be called one and I shouldn't shy away from being an activist.

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The #SupportWNDB Campaign! It's All the Rage These Days

The #SupportWNDB campaign has kept me a tad bit busy these past few weeks (and for the coming weeks until it ends). And if you haven't heard about it after it trended on Twitter here's a bit of background on the initiatives of We Need Diverse Books.

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I'd Like to Introduce: @MinoritiesinPub (MiP)!

My friend Bev and I take on a new venture: podcasting. I'd like to introduce you to Minorities in Publishing (MiP)!

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#LA14SCBWI, L.A., Emerging Voices, and Inspiration

SCBWI Summer Conference in LA where I got to meet writers, illustrators, agents, and editors in a sea of welcoming faces and artists all pursuing work we love. These artist communities can be great and SCBWI was so reinvigorating I cannot wait to go back.

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