Spoken Black Girl Mag's #BlackVoices in Publishing Panel

Yesterday evening I had the pleasure to be part of the first Spoken Black Girl magazine Black Voices in Publishing Panel at Civic Hall. We had a great time and it was livestreamed on Facebook (see the Source link below)! I have come to learn that I use many many hand gestures when I speak. Never have to worry about that on my podcast, so we learned something.

Anywho, thanks to all involved especially Tamika for doing the AV, Rowana for organizing, Driadonna and Raquel for being brilliant and all who attended. Hope to see more of these to come to encourage PoCs in publishing!

Source: https://www.facebook.com/TamikaTTaylor/vid...

AmpLitFest "Mind the Gap" Panel Video

Hey! Long time no write! If you're looking at the website you see it is new and fabulous! Thanks again to Bonnie Chan for the design.

So it's been a busy few months, let alone year (dare I say even more than 2015) and I have lots going on. One of which is panels! Being on them and planning them. The video below is one of the four panels I was on in June at AmpLitFest to talk about diversifying publishing. Had a great time with MiP guest Zareen Jaffery, William Johnson, and Leigh Stein. Look forward to next year and thanks Clare Marsh for inviting me!

MiP Podcast + HiFi Reading Series Event Nov. 4th in NYC!

My Minorities in Publishing podcast has been asked to curate the upcoming HiFi Reading Series for November which is happening November 4th, 8pm at HiFi Bar in the East Village! Come here acclaimed author Daniel Jose Older and emerging artists Courtney Gillette, Glendaliz Camacho, and Ennis Smith read from their latest. Come for the booze & cupcakes, stay for the literature!

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I Am an Activist

When first told "You're an activist" I was very hesitant to take on this "title" but in examining the work I believe in and my role to it (be it large or small) realized that it's not unfair to be called one and I shouldn't shy away from being an activist.

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