Another year and more goals. Argh. Well, lemme be honest, November sucks for NaNoWriMo. Or in my case NaNoRevMo (National Novel Revision Month). It was tough times all around. So on the word count front I am....
Yup! Technically I won because I wrote over 71,000 words for The Facility. Mind you I wrote this over the course of 18 months in addition to this past November. However, due to deadlines for my Collection and work and other things arising I did not get to revise beyond Part 2 (there are four parts in all). Count in that the piece is 95% complete, meaning that a portion of Part 4 still needs to end (I know the ending just need to scribe it), leaves me a bit bummed.
I did meet my end of November deadlines though so that is high-five worthy! And looking over the goals I wrote like for myself this year, creatively anyways, I met them all. So that makes me happy. Writing my goals for 2013 I feel uplifted and secure in being able to meet them and knowing I'll continue on with revisions and writing for The Facility and Family Album looking forward to their completion.
That being said here's my new goal for The Facility.
New goal: Finish revisions by January 15, 2013 to send to beta reader(s).
So that sums up NaNoWriMo (or NaNoRevMo) for me. We'll see if I pursue either again next November.
Happy Holidays and writing and eating and all that good stuff!