Can we talk about (book) blurbs?

I drafted my thoughts on blurbs back in December and here’s a post with 6 points based on my experience. Just last week I saw Jami Attenberg also got in the blurb discussion game in response to announcement that one of the Big 5 Publishers’ flagship imprint (Simon & Schuster) is no longer “requiring” blurbs. Since I already drafted my thoughts, I’m gonna stick with this post. If you find mine, or any of the referenced posts herein helpful—great! At the least you get some varied opinions and background on the whole blurb thing. And please don’t stress! Publishing is already stressful enough.

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How to Help Authors Pre-Pub and Beyond

Hi everyone! My name is Emma and I am assisting Jenn this summer as she prepares for the publication of Forgive Me Not. Both as Jenn’s assistant and as an avid reader, I have often wondered what the best ways to help authors were. Luckily, there were a number of resources available online that allowed me to compile a list! While this is by no means an exhaustive summary, it should help you out if you’ve ever had the same question.

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